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What are the Casino Workers Called?

The casino industry is a unique place to work. This type of job can be exciting and also challenging, depending on where you work. It is important for those who have never worked in this type of establishment to know what the people working there are called. It may come as a shock when you hear some of these terms.

Certain words get used so often that they are generic terms in the industry for people working in specific jobs or even doing the same thing daily. For example, some of these can include dealers, floor managers, slot techs and pit bosses.

While you may not understand some of these titles, they are pretty standard in the casino industry. The following is a list of some of these terms, what each one means and how it fits into the overall operation of the casinos.


A dealer is a person who sits behind a blackjack table and deals out cards to those who are playing. This individual also has to know the rules of blackjack and how to deal cards properly.

Dealers are one of the most important people in a casino since they can be directly involved in whether a gambler walks away with money or not. Some may even become pit bosses if they can perform well under pressure as a dealer and get noticed by the other workers.

Pit Boss

It’s a person who is a floor manager in a casino. This individual is responsible for overseeing certain aspects of an operation and ensuring that everything goes smoothly at all times. The pit boss may be looking out for things like cheating, monitoring how long it takes from when people cash out their chips to when they actually get the money in their hands and ensuring that everyone’s needs are being met.

There can be multiple pit bosses in a casino, each taking care of a particular area or group of players. These may also have other titles such as “shift manager,” meaning that they are expected to oversee the shift of dealers and floor managers.

Floor Manager

A manager in a casino who is expected to make sure that the game is being appropriately played by everyone involved, including the dealers and players.

The floor manager will also answer any questions regarding rules or regulations for both gamblers and those running the particular table or game. In addition to this, the floor manager is also responsible for managing the dealers and players at a specific table.

Slot Technician

A person who works on slot machines in a casino to make sure that they are working correctly, paying out money properly and generally making sure that they are running smoothly at all times. This worker will sometimes be called in to fix slot machines if there are any problems with them.

The technician often has to fix the machine so that no one knows what they did, as this could affect someone’s ability to win money on the slot machine. Any of these workers at a casino can be called upon by players for tips and information about how to win at a particular slot machine, especially if they have just won money on it.


It’s a person who works at the roulette wheel in a casino and is responsible for spinning the ball on it while also managing which bets are placed and accepted during that time. The croupier will also have to keep track of all of the bets that are placed and paid out at the end of a play session, paying all winning players their money.

This can be one of the more challenging jobs to get in a casino, as it requires a lot of skill for the individual playing this position. The croupier has to know how to play roulette perfectly, how to manage multiple roulette games and deal out the money that should be paid out to players during this time, often operating multiple tables at a time.


A person who works in the casino bar or restaurant takes orders from gamblers for drinks and food while also ensuring they get what is asked for properly. The bartender can decide which gambler gets which drinks during a game or if any special orders need to be approved by management first.

In addition to this, the bartender also has to know how to make drinks and food according to the proper recipe and keep track of how much money each gambler spends while in the casino bar. Bartenders often work in shifts at these establishments and often have to work extra hard during key moments of the month, such as right after people receive their paychecks.


A person who works in sales for a casino or gambling establishment. This individual is responsible for convincing potential gamblers that the casino is worth visiting, whether through advertisements, email marketing or even personal sales pitches. The promoter is also responsible for setting up special events that will appeal to customers to help increase revenues in the local area.


It’s a person who works in marketing for a casino or gambling establishment. This individual is responsible for creating new advertisements and promotions that will help bring in more game players and customers to the local area. It is up to the marketer to make sure that the casino or gambling establishment has a good reputation and image in the local area, something which is of great importance when it comes to bringing people through the doors.

The marketer often works during key hours of the day and week, developing new promotions that will attract gamblers who might otherwise never visit a particular establishment and trying to convince customers that the local casino is something they want to go to.


It’s a person who works at a casino cashier’s counter, responsible for accepting and counting out money from gamblers while also reviewing credit applications to approve them or deny them depending on how well the individual gambler has paid off their debt in the past. The teller also has to manage changing money into chips for gamblers so that they can play and give out cash to players when they are told to do so.

This job requires a good deal of skill, as the person working here needs to know how to handle people who may be upset with the outcome of a game or just mad at how employees treated them at the casino. Telling can be one of the more difficult jobs to get in a casino, as it requires patience and problem-solving skills for each employee who fills this position.


Many duties come with working in security at casinos, including risk management and keeping an eye on both employees and gamblers to make sure that the casino is operating according to the law.

A lot of what goes on in casinos can be illegal or frowned upon by society, making it very important for security people to recognise when something is wrong and then take it upon themselves to get things back on track. A lot of security work at casinos involves making sure that the law isn’t being broken, but this also includes keeping an eye on employees and others to make sure that they feel safe working there.


These are just a few of the positions you can find in casinos and gambling establishments worldwide. It can be difficult for some people to find the right job, as there aren’t always positions available for everyone who wants one.

Some jobs will require applicants to take a test to get hired and show their skills, while others may require that you have some previous work or education experience before they consider hiring you. There are many different positions to fill in a casino, and sometimes it can be challenging for the employer to find individuals who have all of the right skills.

If you’ve been searching around for jobs but haven’t found anything that suits your specific abilities, think about checking with casinos and gambling establishments in your area, as they may need workers right now. You never know when you might find a career that is perfect for what you have to offer!

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