Home > Biorhythm for Gambling: Can They Help You Win?

Biorhythm for Gambling: Can They Help You Win?

Biorhythm is a “cycle of physical, emotional and intellectual functioning”. An American scientist discovered it in the 1920s.

Later it has been used to explain why people behave the way they do. Astrologists believe that we are all born with a particular biorhythm pattern, which controls our ability for success.

Is there any truth to this theory – or is it just simple pseudoscience?

Today, many people believe that biorhythm patterns can only really affect the way your body works.

However, some firmly believe that the physical and mental state of a person significantly affects gambling decisions in an online casino.

If this were true, you would always have an advantage as you would be aware of how favourable or not your biorhythm is.

Contents of this article

The Eight Biorhythm Sub-Cycles

Biorhythm cycles are divided into eight sub-cycles, which affect almost all parts of our body, and include:

1. Pulse Rate – This cycle lasts for about three weeks with a period of days. At the beginning and end of each cycle, a person experiences the highest frequency of heartbeats. During those days, you are prone to anxiety or excitement, but overall – your body will have an elevated pulse rate during this period.

2. Blood Pressure – This cycle lasts for about three weeks, and its periods last from minutes to hours. After reaching the peak, blood pressure begins to decline and stays low for the rest of the period.

3. Body Temperature – This cycle lasts for about three weeks, with a peak at day 14. At the beginning and end of each process, your body experiences an increase in temperature. During this time, you are prone to insomnia, lack of appetite or frequent mood swings.

4. Air Pressure – This cycle lasts for about three weeks. The beginning and end of the cycle are not so clear, as air pressure fluctuates from time to time. A person experiences elevated air pressure during this period.

5. Caution – This cycle lasts for 3 weeks with an average duration of two days. Its beginning and end are not clear, so it is normal that caution levels change from time to time. During this period, a person’s behaviour becomes less risky than during other periods.

6. Hunger/Thirst – This cycle lasts for about three weeks with a period of days. The hunger/thirst cycle follows the same pattern as the body temperature with an increased appetite at the beginning and end of each process. During this time, you are prone to insomnia, depression or a lack of concentration.

7. Comfort – This cycle lasts for about three weeks with a period of days. The comfort cycle follows the same pattern as the pulse rate with an increase in feelings of warmth at the beginning and end of each process. During this time, you are prone to increase sexual activity or aggression.

8. Fitness/Fatigue – This cycle lasts for about five weeks. At the start of each cycle a person is in good shape, then after reaching the peak – they experience fatigue for several days and finally return to normal condition. During this time you are prone to physical exhaustion or frequent yawning.

Biorhythm Cycles With a Relationship to Gambling

Each of these biorhythm cycles has a direct relationship with some types of gambling.

1. If you want to win more frequently at slot machines – take a look at your biorhythm. If your pulse rate is rising, this might be a good time to play slots.

2. If you want to increase the probability of winning in poker – when you are experiencing increased air pressure during play, it would be better for you to participate in significant and exciting tournaments.

3. If you want to win more money in casino games like blackjack, roulette or baccarat – look at your biorhythm chart and determine days with increased blood pressure. Play during these periods and increase your winning chances! Just keep in mind that some players might have also discovered this correlation between biorhythm and gambling. If you want to play roulette on a lucky day, make sure to play in an offline casino to avoid being the victim of your competitor’s fortune!

4. If you are a hard poker player, increased blood pressure might affect your decision-making ability – therefore, it is best not to participate in multi-table tournaments.

5. If you want to avoid losing your winnings by making foolish decisions – playing slots is best for you, as during this period, the slot machines are more likely to reward you with a big payout.

Biorhythm Chart for Gambling

The following biorhythm chart illustrates the various cycles and days to avoid or embrace.

Each bar represents a period of one cycle (a few weeks). Certain days have been marked with red – these are the best gambling days, as the probability of winning is higher than usual. The green colour indicates a day that should be avoided if you value your money: the chance of winning is significantly lower than normal.

The yellow colour refers to days suitable for playing both for and against these days; you need to have reasonable emotional control and be ready to change your strategy instantly! Remember that all this information can affect your gambling decisions significantly – so if you are aware of these biorhythm cycles, use this knowledge to your advantage!

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